Category: Thankful Thursdays

Thankful Thursdays 12/6/12

This week I’m thankful for:

1. My small but loyal readers who may be saddened to know that I’m thinking of shutting this blog down for a variety of reasons.

2. Good books I’ve been able to read, though the pile of ILLs is growing at a faster rate than I’m consuming them…

3. An inspiration and hopefully decent execution of a xmas gift for V.

How about you?

Although I was on hiatus last week (being the day we just have to eat turkey…apparently), I didn’t forget.  In fact, this week I look back over the year in homage to that day before many of us go in the shopping frenzy.

This year I’m thankful for:

1. My wonderful wife who is an excellent mother raising our…

2. Amazing daughter who is so smart, kind, beautiful, curious, and willful.

3. All my family and friends who have visited (or not), but more importantly remain in our lives.

4. The fortune of chance that I was born here in the U.S. which, despite its foibles, is still the place I call home and believe in.

5. Meeting new friends and staying in touch with old ones via social networking sites.

6. My job that allows me to provide food and shelter for my family.

I hope all is well with you and yours, and feel free to drop the big thankful in the comments section if you wish.




Thankful Thursdays 11/15/12

The back on time edition!

This week I’m thankful for:

1. Not living among total bat-crap crazy folk who want to secede, have state police arrest Federal officers, live nostalgically in the 1950’s, or ponder the existence and/or “sudden” emergence of non-white voters.

2. Chilling with friends and having good conversations.

3.  Finding a trove of V: Dark Ages source books.

4. A daughter who likes playing board and card games at the venerable age of 3!

5. A daughter who has amazing art skills!

Thankful Thursdays 11/9/12

Er, apparently I’m having trouble navigating the space-time continuum as this is another belated TT post.  I blame Adam  (see below).

This week I’m thankful that:

1. President Obama was re-elected and, more importantly, that the campaign season is over and he can get focus on the job we elected him (and others) to do.

2. V was very excited about daddy-daughter date night and we had some great food and fun!

3. Great conversations with my friend Adam about the universe, dreamscapes, Goodreads, and snarky mesostomatics.

4. I don’t have to pay $50 for grapes.

How about you?

This week I’m thankful that:

1. We (family and friends) weathered Frankenstorm relatively intact.

2. My daughter decided to spice up her Little Mermaid costume by being a “skeleton mermaid” (because her parents were painting their faces).

3. The start of National Novel Writing Month–here’s to hoping for some continual motivation!

4. That my latest Coursera class is almost finished. They’ve been fun, but definitely get in the way of other reading and writing I’d like to do.

5. I got to dress up for Halloween, too! (And try my hand at face painting).


Late again, but…

This week I’m thankful for:

1. My folks fun and varied visit for the last 2 weeks; and they made it home safe.

2. Having a fun time at the MD Renaissance Faire where we all dressed up.

3. Rediscovering some old school music.

4. Having a good meal with some friends last night.

How about you?

This week I’m thankful for:

1. A promotion at work (Woot!).

2. The USDA’ super tracker to help me monitor my nutrient and caloric intake.

3. The Walking Dead and Dexter are back on!

4. Date night with my wife thanks to the grandfolks babysitting!

How about you?

Thankful Thursdays 10/11/12

As my attentive readers may have noticed, I missed last week’s Thankful Thursday post.  There was a variety of reasons for this oversight, none of which include not being thankful for things that week, so…

This week I’m thankful that:

1. My folks made the journey down safely from MI and are enjoying spending time with their granddaughter; they even remember we’re here sometimes…

2. My wife and I attended the Master Class session of the Appalachian Writer in Residence Program; though I didn’t get to read, my wife’s poem generated the most discussion among the group and she was asked to submit it to the next Anthology!

3. Finding the coolest family stickers that people can put on their car. Though we would normally never do that, we just might make an exception for these.

4. A positive meeting with the campus dietitian who gave me the advice to eat more. So I celebrated with Mezzaluna and a big chocolate chip cookie (I’m not sure that’s what she meant).

5. Finishing my Science Fiction/Fantasy class on Coursera; I celebrated by reading a couple of entertaining books from Black Library (easy Sci Fi stuff).

6. Getting a great comment from the professor in our Modern American Poetry class (given that I’m not that into poetry, I consider it quite the accomplishment).

How about you? (Ya got 2 weeks’ worth).


Thankful Thursdays 9/27/12

A busy week again; I’m thankful for:

1. A good trip to DC where we saw a friend, ate some good food, and V was entertained at a couple of museums.  But my do we miss Whole Foods!

2. My first Coursera class is winding down (Science Fiction/Fantasy) and the final book–Little Brother–is amazing.  It will shift your world-view of security, technology, free society, and how all three interact.

3. Getting to read at the Appalachian Heritage Writer in Residence Master Class with my wife!

4. Receiving my awesome friar’s robe for the next Renaissance Fair (Maryland).

How about you?

Thankful Thursdays (9/20/12)

The early edition since we no longer have the Internet at home…

1. My 4-day stay-cation starting tomorrow!

2. Getting my first 5 peer-evaluation on one of my essays over at Coursera.  (It was about John Carter’s portrayal as a Christ figure in Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars).

3. Slogging through some tough poetry with my wife on Coursera, too.

4. The lovely fall weather we’re finally having!


How about you?